Find the right Crew and Talent!

We help filmmakers and other media professionals find the right cast, crew and technicians for their projects and gigs, no matter how niche or specialized their requirements may be.

Kinosphere has an existing network of Film Professionals, Directors, Cinematographers, Writers, Choreographers, Musicians, Screen & Voice actors, Editors, VFX artists and the list goes on. If you are looking for people in the creative field, Kinosphere is the place to be.

How do we help you?

A film or media project is almost impossible to create without the right team. Kinosphere helps connect with passionate/professional artists and technicians that are right for your project.

You need people to love your project the way you love it and contribute their best. When your crew understands your interests and motivations it makes teamwork and the filmmaking process easier.

Kinosphere gives you an opportunity to locate like-minded people to work with as well as to try out newer people add fresh talent and technicians to your film and media projects.

Our talent management system will help you shortlist, audition and select the people you need.

Newer ideas, newer stories, newer talent and new equipment are all available at the tap of a button or touch of the screen.

Where to start?

Welcome on Board!

  1. Log into our Website
  2. Complete your profile
  3. Explore opportunities in the media and entertainment industry!

Job Providers Packages is FREE

Basic Pro
  • Register
  • Basic features plus
  • Create Profile
  • Post audition text
  • Upload images / videos
  • Receive and view audition tapes
  • Add upcoming projects
  • Sort audition tapes - accept reject & shortlist
  • View Seeker / talent profiles
  • Enhanced search features to save time and easy shortlisting
  • Chat with Seekers
  • Receive writers write ups / scripts,view song scripts
  • 15 - 20% commission paid to kinosphere from amount paid to talent/services
  • 15 - 20% commission paid to kinosphere from amount paid to talent/services